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Die frühen Arbeitspapiere der MMT

Die Modern Monetary Theory ist eine empirische Theorie des Geldes. Es geht darum, wie sich mittels Bilanzen und Buchungen die Geldschöpfung verstehen lässt. Da Geld menschengemacht ist, lassen sich die Aussagen „falsifizieren”. Es gibt also Buchungssätze, die die Geldschöpfung korrekt beschreiben und solche, die das nicht tun. So schöpfen Banken zum Beispiel neue Guthaben in staatlicher Währung, wenn sie einen Kredit vergeben und verleihen eben nicht die Ersparnisse der KundInnen und Kunden weiter.

Die frühen Arbeitspapiere der Ökonominnen und Ökonomen dieser Denkschule sind jetzt neu gesammelt worden und finden sich unter Hier ist die vollständige Liste der Arbeitspapiere:

Working Papers

WP 1 - Fifteen Fatal Fallacies of Financial Fundamentalism - William Vickrey WP 2 - We Need a Bigger 'Deficit' - William Vickery WP 3 - Public Service Employment - L. Randall Wray WP 4 - Can Penal Keynesianism Replace Military Keynesianism - L. Randall Wray WP 5 - Financial Aspects of the Social Security Problem - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) and L. Randall Wray WP 6 - Economic Development in the UN - Jan Kregel WP 7 - The Full Employment Approach to Reducing Black Poverty and Unemployment in the United States - Mathew Forstater WP 8 - Causes and Cures for Unemployment - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) WP 9 - The Employer of Last Resort Approach to Full Employment - L. Randall Wray WP 10 - The Neo-Chartalist Approach to Money - L. Randall Wray WP 11 - Social Security, Long-Term Financing and Reform - L. Randall Wray WP 12 - Money and Inflation - L. Randall Wray WP 13 - Full Employment and Environmental Sustainability - Mathew Forstater WP 14 - Full Employment Policies Must Consider Effective Demand and Structural Technological Change - Mathew Forstater WP 15 - Life-Sustaining, Life-Enhancing Employment - Mathew Forstater WP 16 - Unemployment in Capitalist Economics - Mathew Forstater WP 17 - The Endogenous Money Approach - L. Randall Wray WP 18 - An Institutionalist Post Keynesian Methodology of Economic Policy with an Application to Full Employment - Mathew Forstater WP 19 - Financial Instability - L. Randall Wray WP 20 - Unemployment - Mathew Forstater WP 21 - Monetary Policy - An Institutional Approach - L. Randall Wray WP 22 - A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability - L. Randall Wray WP 23 - Is Euroland the Next Argentina? - L. Randall Wray WP 24 - Convergence Going In, Divergence Coming Out - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) WP 25 - Taxation - A Secret of Colonial Capitalist (So-Called) Primitive Accumulation - Mathew Forstater WP 26 - When Exports Are a Cost and Imports Are a Benefit - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) and John Henry WP 27 - Further Simulations of an Employer of Last Resort - Scott Fullwiler WP 28 - Currency Sovereignty and the Possibility of Full Employment - L. Randall Wray WP 29 - Job or Income Guarantee - Pavlina R. Tcherneva WP 30 - When Are Interest Rates Exogenous - L. Randall Wray WP 31 - International Aspects of Current Monetary Policy - L. Randall Wray WP 32 - The Credit Money and State Money Approaches - L. Randall Wray WP 33 - Using Minsky to Analyze the Impact of International Development Finance on International Financial Stability - Jan Kregel WP 34 - Setting Interest Rates in the Modern Money Era - Scott Fullwiler WP 35 - Tax-Driven Money - Mat Forstater WP 36 - Globalization and Disarticulation - Daniel Kostzer WP 37 - The Natural Rate of Interest is Zero - Warren Mosler and Mat Forstater WP 38 - Paying Interest on Reserve Balances - Scott Fullwiler WP 39 - Full Employment Through Job Guarantee - William Mitchell and L. Randall Wray WP 40 Entitled to Nothing - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) WP 41 - Employer of Last Resort Program - A Case Study of Argentina's Jefes de Hogar Program - Pavlina R. Tcherneva and L. Randall Wray WP 42 - Can Basic Income and Job Guarantees Deliver on Their Promises - Pavlina R. Tcherneva and L. Randall Wray WP 43 - Is Argentina's Job Creation Project Jefes de Hogar a True Employer of Last Resort Program - Pavlina R. Tcherneva and L. Randall Wray WP 44 - Macroeconomic Stabilization Through an Employer of Last Resort - Scott Fullwiler WP 45 - Money - An Alternative Story - Eric Tymoigne and L. Randall Wray WP 46 - The Nature, Origins, and Role of Money - Pavlina R. Tcherneva WP 47 - Behind Closed Doors - Stephanie Bell (Kelton) WP 48 - Flexible Exchange Rates, Fed Behavior, and Demand Constrained Growth in the USA - L. Randall Wray WP 49 The Economic Viability of Universal Guarantees in Sovereign Currency Nations - Pavlina R. Tcherneva WP 50 - Gender and the Job Guarantee - Pavlina R. Tcherneva and L. Randall Wray WP 51 - Understanding Policy in a Floating Rate Regime - L. Randall Wray WP 52 - Lerner, Abba Ptachyq (1903-1982) - Mathew Forstater WP 53 - Interest Rates and Fiscal Sustainability - Scott Fullwiler WP 54 - Financial Stability, Social Justice, and Public Employment in the Work of Hyman P. Minsky - Dodd WP 55 - The Origin of Money - Semenova WP 56 - Employer of Last Resort Policy and Feminist Economics - Zdravka Todorova


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